Sourdough Beer Pretzel

Henry is good for more than just pizza and bread, so I’ve been playing around with other sourdough recipes. Some of them call for dry yeast in addition to a sourdough starter, but I skipped that this time to see what Henry could do. I also skipped a few of the other ingredients, and just added beer…I don’t need a reason!

  • 321 g sourdough starter
  • 301 g bread flour
  • 70 g Bell’s Porter (woot Michigan beer!)
  • 1 T melted butter
  • 1 t kosher salt
  • 1 egg (for an egg wash)
  • Baking soda, sugar, and water (to boil pretzels to get nice brown color)
  • Salt for salting (like pretzel salt…you know what I mean)

The technique is something I mashed together from reading the King Arthur recipe and what I remembered from the Good Eats pretzel episode (I may have cheated).

I mixed the dough ingredients (first 5 on the list) until they came together as a nice dough and let it rest for 45 minutes. Then, I divided it up, rolled out long ropes, and shaped the pretzels.

These pretzels got dipped into the boiling water with baking soda and sugar (the ratio from Good Eats is 2/3 cup baking soda to 10 cups water, but I didn’t write down what I actually did…sorry). This step was a bit of a mess since the dough started to melt/dissolve in the water, but they survived to get an egg wash and then baked till golden brown and delicious. Notice how I didn’t say beautifully golden brown and delicious…they were not good looking.

I think I need to work on both my dough handling and my yeast. These did not rise much. Either I need to add dry yeast or be better about how to properly use Henry. Maybe a stronger dough would hold on to the carbon dioxide better, I really don’t know. These were pretty flat, but I still was able to dip some in mustard and split others to make soft pretzel sandwiches.