Say hello to Henry

Look at those bubbles! Fabulous fermentation...

Henry is probably the reason this site exists in the way it does. You could say it all started with Henry…

… to find that funny, you need to know that Henry is my sourdough starter.

Look at those bubbles! Fabulous fermentation...
Just Henry doing his sourdough thing

When the stay at home orders came, I was one of those guy: I made a sourdough starter. In my defense, my love of beer and pizza made this inevitable. I enjoy fermented things, and the internet says that the best pizza is made with a sourdough starter.

So, what now? I have put Henry to work, so I will share some of those adventures. If you follow my instagram, you should expect the types of things I share there to also pop up here (tasty food and boozy beverages). Stay tuned.