More than just pizza dough experiment

A slice of pepperoni pizza next to two slices of stromboli.

As much as you can find different recipes for different types of dough, I feel like pizza places I ate or worked at used the same dough for all of the variants of pizza on the menu. Maybe not all, but I am sure that the garlic knots at the one place were the exact same dough as the pizza. As I continue my pizza dough experimenting, I want to see if I can have a versatile dough to make more than pizza…like stromboli.

Stromboli on a sheet pan

Dough ingredients to autolyse (30 minutes… should it be spelled autolyze?)

  • 750 g AP flour
  • 660 g water
  • 150 g Henry (sourdough starter)

Dough ingredients kneaded after (8 minutes total)

  • 250 g AP flour
  • 30 g salt

I gave the dough a 29 minute rest and then into the fridge until pizza day.

This recipe makes a lot of dough, so I portioned it out both for pizza and the stromboli. The stromboli dough ball was 800 g and that left me with 5 pizza dough balls at 200 g each. I froze 4 and used the last to make a pepperoni pizza to “pair” with the stromboli.

overhead picture of a homemade pepperoni pizza

You can see from the pizza that I still have not mastered the fermentation with Henry or the handling of the dough. The crust is pretty flat and didn’t get good color on it. Don’t panic, I am getting better at that…

The stromboli was also a bit flat, but I’m not sure if that really matters for stromboli. It has nice rolls and cooked up all tasty like! It pairs well with the Vermontucky Lemonade (I stole the idea from Smitten Kitchen, but with a little twist…I should probably post my recipe).

A Stromboli sliced in half to show the roll structure and a cocktail in a class in the background