Celebrating Michigan Beer Month

It was unplanned, but I actually launched this blog at the beginning of Michigan Beer Month (July). Michigan is one of the great beer states and its an exciting place to live and drink. Here are a couple of ways I plan to celebrate Beer Month:

  1. Drink at least one Michigan beer everyday. I’m hoping for new/different beers each day, but we’ll see what happens.
  2. Post to this blog everyday.
  3. Try a new (to me) Michigan brewery. There are enough out there, I’m sure I can find something new.
  4. Do a COVID crawl in Dexter. I want to hit up the beer and food places in my home town, but for take out. I’m not real comfortable sitting down at restaurants now, but I can still get take out and tip well. (I’m thinking coffee from Joe and Rosies, a growler from Beer Grotto, ice cream from the creamery….)

I’m up for suggestions for other stuff to do, so just let me know if you have ideas.