How I make english muffin pizza – Easy Peasy Toaster Pizza

Two finished english muffin pizzas with melted cheese and slight browning. The edge of the english muffin is a little darkened and crispy.

English muffin pizza is probably the easiest and quickest way to scratch that pizza itch. Not to mention that it’s probably the first type of pizza you learn to make. For me, it just takes 3 steps: toast, top, broil. That’s all you need.

Step 1: Toast the english muffin

Start by splitting your english muffin , and spreading a little butter or oil on it. I used garlic oil leftover from previous pizzas…because garlic.

A split english muffin with garlic oil on it. The two halves are arranged vertically on a wooden cutting board.

Then, you can just toast it however you want. I just used whatever settings were already on my toaster oven and didn’t bother to write them down.

Two english muffins halves toasted with garlic oil, nicely golden brown, and arranged vertically on a wooden pizza peel.

Once it’s toasted to your taste…you can top it to your taste.

Step 2: Top your english muffin pizza completely, but sparingly

The one thing that I’ve learned in my pizza experimentation is that uncooked sauce is best for my pizza (even though I grew up using jarred pasta sauce).

Two english muffin halves on a wooden pizza peel arranged vertically with red tomato sauce on top.

You don’t need too much sauce, but try to take it to the edge. The pre-toasted english muffin will give the pizza a nice crunch, so you don’t need a “crust” on the edge. (the one on top above could probably use a little more around the edge.

English muffin pizza with sauce and shredded cheese but not cooked yet. Arranged vertically on a wooden pizza peel

I just topped mine with shredded cheese because it’s what I had. You could probably fit a couple of pepperoni on each or a few veggies. This pizza is not worth over-topping.

Step 3: Broil your english muffin pizza ’til it’s done!

Take your topped english muffin pizza and put it under the broiler. I used the broil function on my toaster over.

Two finished english muffin pizzas with melted cheese and slight browning. The edge of the english muffin is a little darkened and crispy.

I broiled this for 4 minutes, but really just keep an eye on them for when they are melty and delicious to your taste.

Quick review (more of a technique than a recipe)

  1. Toast the muffin like you toast your toast – use garlic oil for a flavor boost
  2. Top your pizza how you like – go all the way to the edge, but not too high
  3. Broil 4 minutes (or until done)