Adventure update: challenge accepted!

map of michigan with travel times marked between breweries on the map

I’m keeping up with the Michigan Beer Adventure pretty well by walking through the neighborhood with my tiny baby friend. A normal walk takes about an hour, depending how I weave through and how often I need to stop and attend to said friend. Overall, I’ve traveled 760 minutes and have 1033 remaining.

Since the walking is pretty routine, I’m also looking for ways to add some extra exercise as a challenge. The rounding down to the nearest 10 minutes was what I did before, but now, if I don’t make the full 60 minutes on a walk, I owe an extra set of exercise. This week, I added the ab/core routine from my marathon training plan. It doesn’t count towards travel time (it only takes 6 minutes anyway), it’s just an extra challenge.

spread sheet for tracking stops on the michigan beer adventure

Even with this extra challenge, I have made it to Stop 7: Grand River Brewery. I was late filling in the spreadsheet, so I have not tried the beer yet. Not to worry, it’s a big can and will be drank with some pizza!

Large can of Grand River Polish Lager

As of now, the adventure just has me bouncing around southern Michigan, but next up is North Peak. Maybe I should try to do something special for that stop (they have a bunch of good beers).

Map of southern Michigan with breweries mapped out and arrows showing the order of the stops.