Adventure Update

map of michigan with travel times marked between breweries on the map

After 5 days of adventuring, I’ve logged 300 minutes of travel and hit the first two breweries: Bells and Arbor Brewing. If you’re interested in following along (or just enjoy a good spreadsheet), you can view my adventure minutes log here or head over to the Nerd Pancakes page.

The first stop, Bells, took 95 minutes of travel (for my that was walking around the neighborhood pushing a stroller), and I was rewarded with a Bells Official Hazy IPA. I go back and forth on this style of beer (they taste good, but there are just so many that taste similar) but this is a nice one. It’s got that juiciness without being over the top.

It's official

I actually took this first stop as an excuse to do the beer pairing of Bells Oberon in a bottle vs a can.

The next stop took an extra day to reach because I ended up 7 minutes short on travel time. I’ve given myself the rule that I will take the time I get on my watch and round it down to the nearest 10 minutes just to make sure I’m not trying to cheat my way to an extra minute here or there. This means 57 minutes counts as 50, and and one hour and eleven minutes counts as 70. I also tend to have a small travel partner causing havoc, so I don’t want to worry about the extra time fussing with strollers or grabbing toys.

With only 7 minutes left, my hour walk the next days easily gave me the travel time needed to make it to Arbor Brewing. My beer reward here was the Trail Lyte Raspberry, which I had not heard about until about a week ago when a friend had terrible things to say about it. It was better than expected, although the color was an unexpected surprise.

"The colors, Duke, the colors!"
The red color made me yell “oh my” as I poured. I was not expecting that.

This has been a cool excuse to track my exercise, and even to get back out to the Border to Border Trail in Dexter. I like my rule for minutes, and I may try and think of some other ways to push myself and make this adventure a little more of a challenge. If you have any suggestions, let me know in the comments, or however you normally talk to me.