Pizza Diary: Chicago Deep Dish Experiment

Overhead picture of a deep dish pizza

Deep dish pizza was probably the style of pizza I first started making. I had a new cast iron skillet and needed something cool to do with it. Those turned out well, and I tried to re-create that success with some new pizza knowledge. I found a new recipe that calls for par-baking (or blind baking) the dough. I don’t think that really worked out all that well, but here is what I did anyway.

To autolyse:

  • 263 g flour
  • 260 g water

Additional ingredients

  • 222 g flour
  • 3 T cornmeal
  • 1.75 t salt
  • 4 T melted butter
  • 2 T olive oil
  • 2 T oil

After the 30 minute autolysis (not sure how necessary this was), I added the next 3 dry ingredients, and then streamed in the last 3 liquid ingredients. After 2 hours of rising, the dough ended up pretty springy. I stretched it a bit, then let it rest, then stretched some more until it covered the bottom of a cast iron skillet.

After the par bake (blind bake) the dough was pretty puffy, so I think next time I would maybe add the cheese and maybe raw sausage before baking. That might weigh down the center a bit, and also cook the sausage.

I am a fan of sausage and peppers in Chicago deep dish, so I also sautéed up some pepper rings to add.

For the sauce, I used my raw sauce recipe with a can of tomatoes. The only problem was I didn’t make enough for the two pies I made. Otherwise the raw sauce works here pretty well.

Overhead view of chicago deep dish pizza

The final product ended up looking and tasting really good, but didn’t have that over the top deep dish excess that I associate with the style. It just needed more stuff and more depth.

Side view of a cornmeal pizza crust with some toppings on it

I think the par baking puffs the crust a bit too much, which makes it hard to fill with excessive amounts of toppings, so I would either skip that, or beak with cheese and a few other things to weigh it down. Then, top with sauce and finish the baking. Of course, more sauce would be better too (or better blended sauce?). Also, I need to figure out how to best handle the dough to get the shape in the skillet just right. Oh no, I guess I’ll have to make more pizza.