Pizza Diary: Pan Pizza Experiment

This recipe is either a Sicilian style or grandma style pie. As much as I’ve read about pizza over the last few months, I’m not clear exactly what the differences are but I’m sure this pizza is not really one or the other. It’s just a damn fine rectangular pan pizza baked on a sheet tray.

For this recipe you’ll need 520 g of flour, but I split it in half to do an autolyse step:

For the autolyse, mix the all of the following together and rest 30 minutes:

  • 260 g flour
  • 66 g Henry (sourdough starter)
  • 378 g water
  • 3 g dry yeast

After 30 minutes, add the remaining dough ingredients:

  • 260 g flour
  • 2 t salt

These all got kneaded together with a dough hook in the stand mixer for 8 minutes, rested for 20 at room temperature, then into the fridge until pizza day.

On pizza day oil up the baking sheet real good and stretch the dough into the corners of the pan. The key here is patience and if the dough doesn’t stretch, just let it sit a little, and then try again. Let the stretched dough proof in the pan for about an hour.

A damn fine pizza

For this pizza, I topped with sausage, sautéed pepper rings, and garlic confit (I did the confit in bacon grease, which probably needs its own post…). The sauce was my raw sauce and I used both fresh and block mozzarella. I baked it at 525 for about a half hour. If you oiled the pan right, it will slide out and be nice and crispy (or not, in my case…). Top the hot pizza with torn basil for a nice finishing touch.

nom nom nom!
This one was real good. Best homemade pizza so far!